Their Methlab - Tsunami

25 Feb 2021 - Pat O'

post rock/ post metal | Release date: 04 Nov 2020

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The brilliantly talented Their Methlab release a stomping mini EP thats hits you full on with power, thunder and might. Two tracks of old school hard hitting and ultimately fun “post-metal”.

My album of the year back in 2019, which seems a lifetime ago now, was The Last Second by Their Methlab. It was like a breath of fresh air to me at the time. Its was bursting at the seams with groove, swagger and psychedelia. It took a giant step outside the box, and then took another few.

So, I must admit I was licking my lips with the news that Their Methlab were releasing a mini EP (It’s basically just two tracks!). Enter Tsunami. After my first listen I was in a state of euphoric confusion. This wasn’t a sequel to the The last second, or even bonus tracks from 2019. It consisted of two pieces they wrote a long time ago, at a time when they dabbled, and were greatly influenced, by a more metal inspired sound.

First up is the track, Venice, an old-school, high octane anthem that hits you with thunderous force and energy. It has the signature Their Methlab guitar tone, but this is a no frills, guitar chugging, drum pounding jamming session. It’s dripping in energy and intent , and has that feel good vibe I got from the likes of Pijn and Conjuror’s High Spirits. It draws on your energy reserves and just keeps on taking. This is music played for the love of playing the music, and wearing your influences on your sleeves.

There is an excerpt entitled Demons! nestled in between the two tracks, which seems to take some old horror movie passage, put a twist on it, and cleverly use it as an intro to the second and final track.

Dremel kicks off like most songs end, with those big grand finale, arm swirling riffs. However things quickly shift and the tone begins to develop a “Tool-esque” groove that has that incredibly catchy off kilter beat to it. The song continues to build and opens into a flurry of sound and speed, teleporting me back to the days of the classic thrash metal bands with their never-tiring speed and intensity. The track leaps back and forth from lead guitar highs to chaotic riffs and monstrous drums and then an abrupt end.

With only two songs to speak of, some may say its not worthy of a review, but for the energy and enjoyment that these tracks give, everybody needs a bit of Tsunami in their everyday life. It may also give you a reason to check out their previous release The Last Second, a decision you will not regret. Im already looking forward to what these guys conjure up next because they certainly have the imagination and creativity in abundance. Watch this space!.

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