
Sometimes looking at music not only by checking out certain releases or what an artist says in an interview can lead to varying forms: Our Specials range from lengthy looks at scenes in certain places or at particular collectives releasing music in various shapes and formations. Furthermore we use our Specials page to host premieres for new music: Singles or videos but also sometimes even whole albums.

  • [Video Premiere] A Giant Echo - Resins (part two)

    We are sorry for this late premiere but we had some technical problems today! However, we are not sorry for this late premiere because good music there is only one time for good music: Any time! A Giant Echo is a folk-singer/songwriter project from Italy and “Resins (part two)” is a wonderfully warm track to keep you company during these troubled times. Enjoy this track any time you want.

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  • [Video Premiere] Terzij de Horde / Ggu:ll - A Robe Of Words

    This track by Terzij de Horde is so heavy that the video is shaking. Well, joke aside - “A Robe of Words” is a feisty, rough, blackened monster in red and green that will capture your every nerve even though it follows a well-known formula. Enjoy the video premiere here on Veil of Sound.

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  • [Song Premiere] Vexing - Shallow Breath

    I am at a loss for words because I just listened to the new record by Vexing! For two reasons - first it is mindblowingly good, second I do not know how to describe it. You tell me please after listening to the premiere of “Shallow Breath” here on Veil of Sound!

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  • [Video Premiere] Start The Monkey - Cave

    Dude, this track hits hard! This is Doom Metal more in the throbbing veins of Conan than the slow dying Gothic variant. Start the Monkey from Athens present their new video here on Veil of Sound and many people will be very very excited when listening to this promising track!

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  • [Video Premiere] Wolfredt - Assegai

    Wolfredt’s new single starts like a banger out of olden times - as if the alarms at Tallinn’s harbor are going off because an American Navy vessel is approaching the Iron Curtain border-front during the times of the Soviet occupation. That’s how evocative this song is! And that’s once more proof for the storytelling abilities of Post-Rock because many of you will have completely different stories running around in your head like the Red Army seamen who are trying to protect the seafront of one of Europe’s most interesting cities!

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  • [Song Premiere] Mesmur - Refraction

    A song like “Refraction” is hard to forget, because the mix of Prog Metal solos, Funeral Doom atmosphere and Neo-Classical structures is quite overpowering without meaning to and at the same time also pretty cleverly arranged. So listen to the latest premiere here on Veil of Sound - Mesmur’s new single “Refraction”!

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  • [Song Premiere] Leagus ft. Nordnorsk Jazzensemble - Tendril

    Eclecticism - that is what Veil of Sound is basically all about. We want to give you some of the best releases from as many genres and this one surely belongs into this category. Jazz Noir meets TripHop on Leagus’ new track “Tendril” which features the Nordnorsk Jazzensemble. Lean back, relax and enjoy!

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  • [Song Premiere] Cicada The Burrower - Crescent Moon Smile

    Dungeon Synth - we want more of this stuff. Especially when it is as diverse and cool as things like Wuodan’s Wunde (see here) or now Cicada The Burrower. The new single by the latter project will be released via Blue Bedroom Records at the beginning of April and you have a chance to listen to this really upbeat and shifty number “Crescent Moon” on VoS!

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  • [Song Premiere] Welcome to Holyland - Ominous

    A wonderful side effect of VoS is the ability to tell friends or people of similar interests and tastes about new music. Sometimes we even have specific people in mind when writing. In this case I have a certain Facebook-group in mind. They love Stoner, they love Doom, of course they also love the combination of both which is called Sludge. Thus I give y’all the premiere for “Insomnia”, the new track by Welcome to Holyland!

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  • [Album Special] Rorcal - HLGLBS

    We have always been talking about something like this here at Veil of Sound - looking back at records that changed the game. However, we do not want to be one of those pages dwelling on nostalgic trips back in time because Record ABCXYZ has just had its 5th, 15th, 25th or 58th release birthday. No, there must be something else, so do not expect this to happen every month but irregularly. To start a “series” like this, we took a re-release as our initial point: Rorcal’s definitive record Heliogabalus (or just HLGBLS) will see its vinyl debut next week by Wolves & Vibrancy records. Which darker way to start? Wonderfully none!

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  • [Album Premiere] Søstre - s/t

    Who remembers the moment when you either first heard Turbonegro or Kvelertak? Do you remember the pumping in your veins? The sweet sweat coming onto your forehead because of all the fist pumping and booty shaking? All of that must not be lost - just listen to our premiere of the new record by Black’n’Rollers Søstre right here on Veil of Sound!

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  • [Video Premiere] Besra - Live at R​ø​dhouse Studio

    Filmed studio sessions are a difficult thing, because simply filming a band performing a few of their songs can be quite boring if nothing changes between record and studio version. Besra from Turku, western Finland, escape that trap by doing two things which should become staples for such undertakings: First of all, they rearrange one very good song, “Dwell in Gloom” and also adds parts, and second of all, they surround the track with additional intro and outro, setting the tone and atmosphere. That’s the way to do it, folks!

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  • [Video Premiere] Cultro - Manifestation

    The Italian Post Metal band Cultro will release a new album on March 21st, and we are premiering one song from that album, ”Manifestation”. Once more the band seeks inspiration from more than two thousand years back with a new release called Nerthus. It is inspired by a text by Roman historian Tacitus dating back to 98 AD and documenting an obscure divinity and its manifestation to the world, its sacred festivals, and the final ritual wash of the goddess icon in a secluded lake, in which everyone involved would see his life ended as a seal on the cult’s secrets.

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  • [Video Premiere] Basil's Kite - Shooting Tsars

    Playfulness vs virtuosity. Fun vs ambition. Pensiveness vs looseness. All of these contrasts could be used to explain the sound of Eastern Australian Math-Core band Basil’s Kite. The guys from Down Under might end up On Top of many lists this year, for their new record Shooting Tsars is breathtaking and hits all the right spots! Therefore we are proud to give you a short interview with guitarist and vocalist Jack!! And even better – we serve this dish with the premiere for their new single ”Castaway”!

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  • [Album Premiere] Terminal - R.A.T.S.

    You still think the influence of Godflesh and Justin K. Broadrick can be diminished? Then listen to the debut-record of Olso-based duo Terminal. Oh wait, record only comes out tomorrow? Then listen to its premiere here on VeilofSound!

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  • [Album Premiere] Disminded - The Vision

    We do not often get the chance to premiere a good clean Old School Death Metal album here at Veil of Sound, which convinces us, and therefore we are honored to have one of these rarities for you: Disminded have a new record called The Vision and you can listen to it here straight away!

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  • [Album Premiere] øjeRum - Colied Souls

    There is one thing that I love about writing and working for Veil of Sound and it’s the utter scope of stuff we put out here. Let’s have a look at the last things I wrote about: Doom Metal, Oriental-infused Psych-Rock, Extreme Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore. So what has to come next? Of course - the premiere of an album full with Minimalist Shoegaze, Folk, bits of Ambient and all of that based on some really good singer-songwriter foundations. No, we are not talking about a new drowse-album, although I would love to premiere anything by Kyle Bates, but a new record by øjeRum.

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  • [Song Premiere] Black Flak and the Nightmare Fighters - Uninvited

    Alanis Morissette has written many hits over the course of her Alternative Rock career and many of us will be able to sing along to several of them. “Uninvited” is one of these and one of our favorite Post-Rock bands now took it and turned it into their own version: Thank u Black Flak and the Nightmare Fighters for giving us this track and you oughtta know that we are grateful for hosting this premiere for us!

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  • [Album Premiere] hepa. Titus - unEat

    If you think Scratch Acid was a dissonant bastard band with a intelligent sense for melody and if you liked that, well, here you have you new favorite band - hepa. Titus. Those checking VoS on a daily basis know that hepa. Titus is Kevin Rutmanis’ band and that this is some of the most fun and yet sarcastic records around.

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  • [Album Premiere] Vain Valkyries - The Great Suffering

    The 90s were not all that bad. There were some bands, some songs and records that definitely stand the test of time. Vain Valkyries from Rouen surely heard the right stuff, condensed it into their own version of heavy, chunky Alternative Rock and will release their debut record on February 17. Here at VoS you can listen to the whole thing two days early!

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  • [Video Premiere] Kahrmalia - Here I Stand and Face the Rain

    Cover Versions are always a difficult topic because of the necessity of changing but not changing too much. Which elements need be kept, which can be thrown away? Change the tonality or stick with it? Shall it be an homage or a total rebuilt? And that’s only the theoretical aspect before the execution. Kahrmalia did a good cover of an a-ha track and thankfully it’s not “Take On Me”, that track is dead. We give you Kahrmalia’s new single!

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  • [Video Premiere] Arhios - Daria

    How to describe a song or record that is as much Maserati as it is Carpenter Brut? Well, it’s electronic, for sure. But is it Electronica? No. Well, is it Post-Rock? To some degree, especially when we remember that the three band members all play the synth as well as a “regular” instrument. Sounds complicated? Not really in the case of Arhios! We present the video for their new single “Daria”!

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  • [Song Premiere] Often The Thinker - A Mother's Sting

    Someone in the ever-sandy vastness that is the American Southwest, there is a band of mariachis playing Whale Fall-covers. Then all of a sudden, they throw of their traditional clothes, put on a rather stylish flanell and start writing pretty sophisticated songs in the vein of Bright Eyes and ef! Sounds difficult to imagine? Not if we are talking about Often the Thinker and their newest record, Sincere Insanity which will be out in three weeks. Veil of Sound is proud to give you their next single right here, right now!

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  • [Album Premiere] OAHK - Numeric Hands

    Sometimes we are a bit late, true. However, we never forget things that are important to us. OAHK’s acoustic album is such an important thing. It is so important for us, that we do not want to keep you busy searching, we want you to listen to Bryan’s new versions straightaway and therefore we present you Numeric Hands “Revised Acoustic Memories in its entirety.

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  • [Song Premiere] A Reason To Travel - Dust Wanderer

    A Reason To Travel was one of those underground tips for people who already have fallen in love with Post-Rock many, many moons ago, but still search a brand new song to fan the flames of pure content. And on the upcoming album we find that this project makes the next step out of the underground’s shadow and into the light! Their newest single is presented here by us today, so enjoy the “Dust Wanderer”!

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