Wojtek - Does This Dream Slow Down, Until It Stops?

26 Apr 2021 - Pat O'

Post-Metal/Doom/Sludge | Release date: 26 Jan 2021

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Italy’s Wojtek recently released their third EP that’s ferocious, heavy and relentless yet all the time, underpinned with melody and structure. Does this dream slow down, until it stops? is a must have for fans of all things heavy.

Most of our reviews come through the regular channels of emails and press releases, which is great, and gives us some insight into the band and provide us with the tools required to do our thing. Other times however, music comes to us through recommendations. On this occasion Charlene of Ripcord Records dropped the name Wojtek to the team, and their recently released EP Does this dream slow down, until it stops?. This EP couldn’t afford to go unheard and was deserved of a write up. Here’s what it did to me!.

So let’s just do away with the formalities!, The opening track, Catacomb kicks in with utter ferocity that’s shaped by a manic yet head swirling hook. It’s a rip-roaring wall of sound with some malevolent vocals that seem to have been mined from the pits of hell. Along with heaving and mammoth riffs and clambering drums Wojtek have unleashed an untamed beast here. What’s surprising and very welcome on this track is the unsuspecting subtlety and intelligent structure that’s pinned down amidst the power and ferocity. This isn’t just a musical onslaught for the sake of it. There’s thought and conviction deep within, that sets it apart. Further along the track, solo guitars lash over proceedings, and are joined by a cleaner and melodic vocal delivery. However don’t let that cleaner delivery fool you for a second, as it gives as much intensity and devastation as its predecessor.

Desensitized…wow, this is basically a steam train hurtling towards you without brakes, and to add to the drama, you’re tied to the tracks!. Its a real powerhouse, with intense and viscous guitars. On top of that you have those vocals, which hit you square in the face without apology. It’s been a while since I’ve dipped my toes into anything this heavy, so I’m falling a little short on how to categorise this sound. It’s somewhere between “doom metal”, “sludge”, and “death metal”. I initially thought this was too aggressive for my ears, but having taken the time to listen to it properly, I’m completely sold on it. Not only is this power driven, there’s melody and composition to it all too.

Rednetrab starts like Sepultura’s Arise, in the way that it’s Industrial in sound, with machinery cranking and whining while being smothered in heavy synths. Its a mass of unsettling atmospherics, which makes you feel uneasy, like being inside the head of a man possessed. Yet there’s that little tinge of excitement, as you know the next track is going to hit you soon and plough through your ribcage without clemency.

…And on que, XXyears begins with a sinister riff, joined by forceful drumming, and then the rumbling of those gutteral roars. This is the final track, and its as devastatingly good as those that went before it. Its heavy and full of energy. Dirty, gritty and galling riffs thrash and burn, and bring on flashbacks of death metal days of old. It also has an industrial vibe to it, feeding off Ministry’s discography, but with a double dose of adrenaline administered for good measure. The finale is monstrous, with double bass drums powering their way to the front, with every member of the band bleeding from the inside out, creating an EP that’s equally as enthralling as it is devastating.

Wojtek have arrived and delivered. With three releases to their name, they have planted their Italian flag firmly in the gritty and heavy post sludge soil.