Spirit Adrift - Forge Your Future

26 Sep 2021 - Simon

Heavy metal, Hard rock | 20 Buck Spin | Release date: 27 Aug 2021

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Sprit Adrift return with a forward looking ode to the glory days of heavy metal

Do you like Heavy Metal the way it used to be? Do you shred your invisible guitar in front of a mirror to bands like Judas Priest, Metallica or Iron Maiden? (come on, we’ve all done it!) If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, then I have the perfect thing for you. The new 3 song EP from Phoenix, Arizona-based band Spirit Adrift return to take you on a journey to Heavy Metal heaven, and it absolutely rips.

The opening song, and title track “Forge Your Future” sets the scene perfectly, the lights go down, the spotlight shines on the lead guitarist who starts with a gentle melody to settle the nerves before the whole band join in for a raucous Dio tinged whirlpool of rock. The epic nature of the chorus and the solos could so easily have veered into the cornier side of things, but they don’t, the band are too good at what they do to let that happen, instead coming across as a modern sincere love letter to the halcyon days of metal yore.

Next song “Wake Up” with its insanely catchy chorus increases the drive and gallops along with plenty of verve and swagger. The highlight being an awesome thrash inspired mid-section which is sure to make any metal fan nod their head and plaster a big fat grin across their face, it’s wonderful.

Final song “Invisible Enemy” is an epic, towering behemoth of heavy metal joy. Just like a giant guitar playing god, it effortlessly straddles the divide between 80’s rock and modern-day metal with aplomb. It throws in plenty of nods to everything from thrash to latter day Iron Maiden but crucially retains its own identity.

For something so obviously steeped in 80’s and 90’s metal heritage, this EP isn’t just an ode to days gone by, it drags them into the here and now with expert production values and modern-day sensibilities and song smithery. Come for the nostalgia but stay for the expertly done song craft and epic musicianship, it’s rather captivating and brilliant. All that’s left to say is “Horns up and rock on!”