Witch Trail - The Sun Has Left The Hill

19 Nov 2019 - Thorsten

Noisy-Black-Metal | Conspuling Sounds | Release date: 19 Nov 2019

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Sometimes, certain boundaries should not be crossed. For example combining Motown Soul and Classic Hardcore – that just doesn’t work. Nevertheless, some unexpected combinations might work, just remember Zeal and Ardor combining gospel and black metal.

Witch Trail do something similar – they create their own unique blend of post-metal taking a lot from Sonic Youth and Thurston Moore’s solo work and combining it with pure post-metal. And once again, Belgium (more specifically Ghent) proves to be a brilliant soil for unique combinations as the trio is really able to provide a fresh start to a genre as trodden as post-metal. They take the classic noise-licks and use them to replace the regular post-metal riffs. This way they also implement the pop-appeal of good noise-rock into their songs. How they start “Lucid” with a noisy take on a nearly surf-twang guitar riff and then build the shrieking vocals around it, always leaving those easy and pumping noise-rock elements at the core of the song and right in the middle of our ears – impressive! Sometimes you must think of the Beach Boys (“Stupor”), but sharing the record with Stiff Little Fingers and Discharge (“Sinking”); suddenly Kim Gordon and SY show up on your mental stage (“Silent Running”) - but interestingly all of the songs are not sung by any of those but by a guy like Fenriz.

These 29 minutes full of twists and turns, of clean-distorted noisy-ness and of blastbeats, of infernal shrieks and a unique soundscape really capture any open ear. To see what Witch Trail will come up next should be an intriguing thing.