Name, Age: Thorsten, born in the year of the “Night Fever”
Where from?: The Heart of Germany
Family & Pets: wife, daughter, two more persons living in our house and no pets yet
Favorite artist: Boysetsfire
Best label in the world: Must be a three-way-split here between Pelagic Records, Elusive Sound and HydraHead Records
Best concert ever: Radiohead, September 11th, 2001 in Berlin (not a concert but a mass on 9/11)
Top Record of 2022: Krüller by Author & Punisher
10 Albums for the month-long-stay on the tiny island: You jokin? Ten? How about 100? Thousand! I will give you a short idea on what I listen to:
… can I name a 100 more?
Best joke you always tell: My wife says I ain’t funny
Best Beyoncé song: Best Thing I Never Had
Favorite Drink: Cola
Most important piece of advice to tell your 20-year-old-self: Never forget to buy more vinyl!
Your own text if you want to tell the world something else: A Liverpool coach once asked whether football was a matter of life or death, said that it was much more. That is music to me. I could talk about it days on end, listen to it without interruption and write about it every day. Nearly no musical boundaries to my taste but my main focus is still the darker side of stuff, full of emotions and not denying the reality we live in.
If you want to browse all of Thorsten’s many reviews, you can visit this page.