Perihelion - Agg

06 Dec 2019 - Thorsten

Avantgarde-Post-Metal | Release date: 06 Dec 2019

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Perihelion from Hungary is part of the vivid Hungarian scene around Hegy and Törzs - yet their post-metal is definitely more ambitious!

Perihelion is one of the bands mentioned in our Hungary special, and a few weeks ago they released their new record called Agg, which is Hungarian meaning ‘very, very old’ - this and the song titles already shows that the band uses their mother tongue for their songs (and vocals). This might be an obstacle for easy global success – if you really strive for that – but it can also give your songs a very unique character if you sing in a language most people won’t understand. For Perihelion, it’s definitely the second, as the mind wanders and you take the voice in as some kind of shamanic background, not that the music makes you drowsy, definitely not.

The four-piece from Budapest officially formed back in 2012 and has since been very productive, this is their third album and fifth release all in all. Their music has some notions of post-metal, some of their patterns are very repetitive and there are definitely some arty tinges to it. They can be compared to fellow Hungarian Thy Catafalque, although there are much less extreme, or to Denmark’s Møl, even though there are no blastbeats on this record, or to Red Sparowes, albeit only when it comes down to visuals as Agg seems like a twin to Every Red Heart Shines towards the Red Sun. The album even contains a hit: “Erdo” with its sparkling guitar intro by Gyula and Balász backed by Barna’s drumming skills and empowered by Gyula’s vocals is one of the songs that will be in your head for a few days.

Perihelion are really good at evoking emotions with their music, sometimes it can be very ‘calm’ and motionless like a desert due to the unbearable heat with lots of false pictures in your head just like the guys here suddenly turn the song from a post-rock melody into some kind of psyched-up post-punk. The riffs are more than solid, the drummer does an amazing job of slowing down the songs of speeding them up without dominating the whole sound – generally, it should be noted that the songwriting is really good and the vocals are on-point. If I just knew what they are trying to tell me!