11 Dec 2021 - Thorsten
Genre: Post-Rock, Post-Metal, Shoegaze
Some of the greatest post-rock and post-metal bands are those who are able to combine mid- and uptempo-songs without losing their trademarks. A Place In Between could well be one of these, if they go the long run for their post-rock doesn’t need the typical slow-to-loud-to-explosion structure that have made the genre redundant to boring. Listen to the clever place of the drums in the structure, the really good production and their courage to be really loud and have an ethereal sound at the same time.
Sometimes it’s hard to say “No” to someone who seems to like what you do. However, when A Place In Between approached us, more respectively one of their members, to host a video premiere for them, our natural reaction was, “Well, we can have a listen”. And then - man! - then we couldn’t shout “YES!” quickly enough! The band fills a lot of those nice little niches in modern music that no one had recognized before. Or had you seen that little nook between post-metal and post-rock with its sub-directory “shoegazey” and on that road the little path between the alternatives “loud” and “reflective”? No? See. And now enjoy how well A Place In Between fill that (unrecognizable) gap!