The Sea Shall Not Have Them - Lower The Sky

04 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

Genre: Noise, Psychedelia, Post-Rock


Australia and its vast landscapes with all those different climates seems be a perfect ground for “growing” post-rock bands with a certain nose for a different sound. Remember how We Lost The Sea changed the sound vocabulary with Departure Songs? Something similarly unconventional awaits you in the form of today’s song premiere by The Sea Shall Not Have Them. Whether the duo from Australia’s Gold Coast will be as successful as the Aussies in WLTS - only time will tell.

Fortunately we do not have to wait to find out whether we like the sound of the new single for The Sea Shall Not Have Them-record out around the middle of February via Bird’s Robe - another quality seal for Australian (post-) rock. And with TSSNHT, the label has another gem on their roster, for the sound of the duo is very intriguing as its sounds (a tiny bit noisy) and its repetitiveness (somewhat close to krautrock) border on psychedelia. It is equally similar to Fugazi as it is to the Enablers. There is this slightly snarly element in their sound, particularly in the drum sound, which is pretty hard to describe and the song structure is also only at second glance somewhat post-rock, the first impression is probably that of a little too finely woven noise- or krautrock.

Together with the cleverly agitating video, this makes “Lower The Sky” an intriguing listening experience and therefore we do not want to waste your time - enjoy!