Interview with Kurt Ballou

13 Feb 2022 - Thorsten

Those of you who follow Veil of Sound closely, very closely might have stumbled across this sentence a few weeks ago: ”Maybe this interview will be the start for another series of interviews, who knows?” was the end of our article accompanying our interview with Jacob Bannon. That was part of our series to close out 2021 and here we go: we have yet another interview with a Converge member not talking about the band itself too much. This time it’s Kurt Ballou and our topic is “producing”!

When people talk about music they often talk about the skills of a certain instrumentalist or vocalist. Sometimes, very seldom, people talk about the production of a record and then it is even more difficult to know what a producer does. Therefore we were very fortunate when Kurt Ballou agreed to do an interview with us and gave us the opportunity to learn how he became a producer, how he sees the role of producers (and himself as one of them) and how important the individual process is.

So, as usual, we do not want to keep you waiting for too long – enjoy our interview with Kurt Ballou!

PS: Maybe this interview will be part of a series of interviews, who knows? ;-)