Interview with Thomas Brenneman (still motions)

24 Jul 2022 - Thorsten

Talking to Thomas from Arizona post-rock phenom still motions is always a really rewarding thing, as he is a rather thoughtful person but never sparse in his answers. Just like the second record of his band is never sparse but really cleverly arranged and thoughtfully crafted. We were able to sit down with him for an interesting 45 minutes - hopefully you enjoy it as much as we do!

A few days ago we released our review of syn · the · sis, the second full-length by still motions, and we were really happy to talk to Thomas Brenneman, the driving force behind the band. He is not only the founding father of still motions, as we get to know during the interview, he is also a talented guitar builder whose guitars are based on classic models but always very colorful and bright. This and much more are the things we talked with him about in this new episode of our video interviews!