À l'ombre d'Héméra - Saison de déceptions

02 Dec 2022 - Thorsten

Genre: Post-Metal

There is a certain pride in accompanying a band along their way for a longer time, especially when the initiation point for this shared voyage lies in the band’s early days. One of these bands to us is Quebec-based Post-Metal-juggernauts À l’ombre d’Héméra - and the next chapter is their new album Saison de déceptions which we are proud to give to you in full-length a week ahead of its release. Nod your head to this!

Not only are the guys in this band super-nice sweethearts but there is also something in their take on Post-Metal that a lot of you will surely find highly appealing! The sceptics will proclaim they heard it all before. Somewhat true, but good songwriting is good songwriting is good songwriting - and some of the guitar loops and pickings are way above average. The septics will say the sound is not dirty enough, but did you also complain about this when you listened to Isis all the time, nah, there you said it was al so well-produced and the same can be said about Saison de déceptions. The decepticons will proclaim is al just smoke and mirrors because there is too much post-rock and not enough crunch on this one. Those are also often the same people who proclaim their love for Post-Metal was based on the versatility and floatiness of Russian Circles.

What does VoS say? Easy! We love this band. We like their sound, their songwriting, their balance between lofty spherical Post-Rock and crunchy, sludgey Post-Metal.

And you? Well, you can judge for yourself:

You can also settle your pre-orders now via Ripcord Records, say hi to Charlene from us while doing so!