Worriedaboutsatan - Hours Pass

16 Dec 2022 - Thorsten

Genre: Ambient Electronica, TripHop

Maybe old me is just reading (or rather listening) too much into this track, but I want to be struck dead if the new single by Bradford-based Worriedaboutsatan is not a TripHop track in disguise! Where can you find out for yourself? Well, here on VoS!

There is quite a lot of Bristol-sound to my ears in the back of “Hours Pass” when you listen to the little shuffling beat in the background of the track underneath the rather clean, droppling spaces that sparkle in the foreground. One might argue nevertheless, that it’s more like Underworld or Leftfield than Massive Attack or Tricky. However, it sounds like two tracks running simultaneouly sometimes, with the spherical elements shining in the sun and the deep, midtempo beats being in their shadow. Do achieve this effect and still keep those elements clearly distinctable is really a great achievement if you ask me. But then again, when you have an artist who has been doing so for 15 years and then get a magician like Aidan Baker (Nadja) to work his mastering wizardry, one shouldn’t be surprised the outcome is pure gold!

What do you say - is this track a miraculous homage to bands like Underworld or Massive Attack? Here is the track to judge my ears upon!

You can also settle your pre-orders for the strong-magenta vinyl now via Wolves And Vibrancy, and maybe one of you also wants to buy the bundle?