Often The Thinker - A Mother's Sting

10 Feb 2023 - Thorsten

Genre: Post-Rock


Someone in the ever-sandy vastness that is the American Southwest, there is a band of mariachis playing Whale Fall-covers. Then all of a sudden, they throw of their traditional clothes, put on a rather stylish flanell and start writing pretty sophisticated songs in the vein of Bright Eyes and ef! Sounds difficult to imagine? Not if we are talking about Often the Thinker and their newest record, Sincere Insanity which will be out in three weeks. Veil of Sound is proud to give you their next single right here, right now!

Drew Lundberg and his mates have done it again, they wrote songs that are so elegant, they could have been written by the great-great-grandfathers of Post-Rock, Talk Talk. The songs on the new record are really like modern-day versions of old-fashioned tales, stripping away the unnecessary folklore elements and substituting them with a slightly feverish city-vibe. Even though this description sounds completely paradoxical and incohesive, be sure that the record isn’t. Everything seems totally fine and in its perfect position, so we can only advice every Post-Rock-fan to check out Often the Thinker’s album, which you can also find on their Bandcamp page where you can also pre-order the record!