Arhios - Daria

13 Feb 2023 - Thorsten

Genre: Post-Rock, Synthwave


How to describe a song or record that is as much Maserati as it is Carpenter Brut? Well, it’s electronic, for sure. But is it Electronica? No. Well, is it Post-Rock? To some degree, especially when we remember that the three band members all play the synth as well as a “regular” instrument. Sounds complicated? Not really in the case of Arhios! We present the video for their new single “Daria”!

Over the years, one has come to think he’s seen or heard all kind of genres, styles, sounds, visions and stuff. But every once in a while there is a band who challenges these notions just by simply being “in between” - and that is exactly where Arhios like to be! And to twist things even a little bit more, their record was produced by Amaury Sauvé, who is known for having produced bands like Plebeian Grandstand or Birds in Row, but who has also worked with Belgian Indie-Noise-rockers It It Anita. One should not underestimate the power such a producer has, but Amaury never used it to alter the band and their style but only to underline some of their best elements.

The video for “Daria” is a wonderful, sad, emotional, tragic but also somehow uplifting story about the ever-important topic of love. Whenever we have it, we feel whole, when we haven’t ever had it, we strive for it, when we lost it, we mourn the death of our other part, of the deceased, of ourselves and of the “us”. The story of our human lives.

The record will be released at the end of March and you can pre-order it via the band’s Bandcamp page.