Interview with Chef Curtis Duffy

02 Mar 2023 - Thorsten

We here at Veil of Sound try to come up with new ideas for talks and topics all the time and sometimes we ourselves are surprised when some of these ideas work out. One of these surprises was this interview with Chef Curtis Duffy, one of the most interesting American chefs who turns out to be a metal head like many of us, who knows his stuff and who spent more than half an hour talking to Thorsten! Enjoy this delicious interview!

Chef Curtis is a great cook and his menus have been lauded by many restaurant guides such as the Guide Michelin where he got two stars - when he worked at another restaurant as chef de cuisine he even got the ultimate three Michelin stars. When talking to us, we discovered many parallels between music and cooking, composing and arranging. We also talked about his list of “lonely island records” which feature a lot of stuff from the 80s and 90s but also something older.

If you want to find out more about Chef Curtis’ work, you can visit his flagship location Ever Restaurant in Chicago, Illinois. And now - dig in!