Latest Reviews

There are way too many records released every week - which one should you listen to? We want to help you by reviewing lots of records every week and you can also check out a little teaser before reading the whole thing. And if you want to, you can also browse through our archive and have a look at the amazing records you might have missed out on.

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  • Various Artists - The Others (Tribute to Lustmord)

    10 Apr 2022 - Stephan

    Less is more? Depends. At least in case of the promo text for this tribute album less would certainly be less confusing. But given the sheer amount of names involved, the release being offered in different versions, and since Pelagic Records can’t just assume that everybody’s already familiar with the whole body of work of the artist being celebrated here, there’s probably no way around smashing us with dry facts, which are ultimately completely irrelevant for the pure enjoyment of the music at hand.

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  • Aerial Ruin - Loss Seeking Flame

    06 Apr 2022 - Thorsten
    Doom Folk

    Metal can be a lot, and maybe something outside of metal music. As long as it got the spirit. Aerial Ruin is surely no metal music, but the man behind it is metal as … . His latest full-length, Loss Seeking Flame might be one of the most unconventional metal records of the year, because it isn’t – but he is!

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  • King Dude & Der Blutharsch and the Infinite Church of the Leading Hand - Black Rider on The Storm

    05 Apr 2022 - Stephan
    Neofolk, Krautrock

    TJ Cowgill aka King Dude, dark Americana neofolk singer/songwriter from Seattle with a background as a death metal vocalist, meets Albin Julius, kinky march music industrial provocateur turned psychedelic rock trip conductor of the band Der Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand, for a transatlantic collaboration to sing “Ballads of a Cowboy Lost in Austria”.

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  • Decasia - An Endless Feast For Hyenas

    04 Apr 2022 - Knut
    Stoner Rock/Acid Rock

    This album comes as springtime lightens and warms up the days and the music it contains is like a fresh breath of air with the three-piece French band´s freewheeling daredevil hippy-approach to the stoner music style. It is fast, it is fun and it is like they are inspired by the Bob Dylan quote, ”Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free”.

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  • Insense - The Soothing Torture B-Sides

    03 Apr 2022 - Daniel R.
    Progressive Tech-Death Metal

    I’m going to let you in on three secrets before I start this review, well the actual single I’m reviewing. One, we aren’t just given music to review at random, it’s usually given to us because it’s thought that we’ll like it, Insense The Soothing Torture B-Sides was given to me as it said for fans of Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad.

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  • Ultha - All That Has Never Been True

    02 Apr 2022 - Thorsten
    Atmospheric Black Metal

    Ultha, one of Germany’s most important black metal bands, released their new album All That Has Never Been True on this April 1st. No, this record is not in any way an April Fool’s prank. If you know the guys behind it, you know how important their music is to them. The new record is no exception to that as it finishes a not-preconceived trilogy and shows exactly why every black metal fan should love this band!

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  • Lana_Del_Ray - Shotgun_Synesthesia

    01 Apr 2022 - Gene
    Indie-Pop, Post-Rock

    We are not the biggest purveyors of Pop here at Veil Of Sound. But when we caught wind that the sultana of sing herself, Lana Del Ray, was working on an album made up exclusively of Post-Rock covers, we could barely staunch the spittle. Obviously, we knew we had to sit down with her publicist, neighbor, dog or anyone we could get on the line, to learn all that we could.

    To our amazement, the diva herself deigned to answer our groveling request for an interview. And so, a few short international wires later, we present you, in her own words: Lana Del Ray: Shotgun Synesthesia.

    Lana sits down and begins nervously touching her face. Softly brushing away invisible lint, she begins to speak with eloquence and a charming sneer. Speaking in a disarming, wistful manner, wildly gyrating lips seem to chew her face as she dives, fairly unprompted into her passionate diatribe and does. Not. Stop.

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  • Wander - Home

    30 Mar 2022 - Wouter

    The first explanation I can find for the term ‘emotional rollercoaster’ says the following: ‘a situation or experience that alternates between making you feel excited, exhilarated, or happy and making you feel sad, disappointed, or desperate’. I can shorten that substantially to simply “Listen to Home by Wander’. It sways, rocks, hits you when you least expect it and embraces you when you were preparing for emotional devastation. The beauty of Home lies in the unexpected so I recommend sitting down and just letting it wash over you. Preparing in any way is futile.

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  • Morrow - The Quiet Earth

    29 Mar 2022 - Jonas
    Emo crust / Post-Metal

    It’s been a little over four years since the release of “Fallow”, Morrow’s sophomore album, but now they’re finally back with their third album, called “The Quiet Earth”, and the continuation of the post-apocalyptic sci-fi epic, spanning three bands and seven albums!

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  • Sundowning - In the Light of Defeat, I Cease to Exist

    28 Mar 2022 - Jonas
    Doom Metal / Post-Metal

    A decade has passed since they released their last album, followed by an indefinite hiatus, but now Sundowning has returned from the other side, reinvigorated, with a truly fresh-sounding new album – “In the Light of Defeat, I Cease to Exist!”

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  • thrown - Extended Pain

    27 Mar 2022 - Jonas
    Dark Hardcore

    Having only emerged from the void late last year, the Swedish hardcore supergroup, thrown, just released their debut EP, called “Extended Pain”! Proceed with caution though because this thing hits like a battering ram to the face – consider yourself warned.

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  • Witnesses - IV

    26 Mar 2022 - Gene
    Cinematic, Orchestral, Ambient

    Witnesses continues to explore the emotional range of cinematic Post Rock with a particularly dialed-in chapter, which harnesses the composer’s previous outings, while taking new inspiration from the art of the film score to evoke a cinema-like experience worthy of the Silver Screen.

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  • Light Beneath - Light Beneath

    25 Mar 2022 - Knut
    Atmospheric Sludge Metal/Post Metal

    From Tampere, Finland, comes a new bold band plowing themselves in between the giants of the Post Metal genre and does it with bravura, like a steam locomotive coming towards you breaking through whatever stands in its way. One might ask, does the world need another band like this? Oh yes - Light Beneath confirms this with their self-titled first release four years after the band’s inception.

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  • Hangman's Chair - A Loner

    25 Mar 2022 - Daniel R.
    Doom, Sludge, Psychedelia

    Hangman’s Chair are from Crosne, a small hamlet near Paris, France. It’s not exactly known for its gloomy climate. The band though, have been producing their own brand of somewhat glum music since 2005 and with their new release, A Loner, that hasn’t changed and nor would I want then to when the music is this good.

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  • Soonago - Fathom

    23 Mar 2022 - Simon
    post rock/post metal

    Soonago release their sophomore effort and in the process of writing the album have elevated themselves from the previous effort in almost every regard!

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  • Ottone Pesante - ...And The Black Bells Rang

    22 Mar 2022 - Stephan
    Black Metal, Doom, Neo-Classical

    It’s a Friday in March, in a boat on the river Elbe. After yet another painfully long hiatus the first live performance of the year has just happened for me and oh boy, it was a blast! I’m chatting with the band members, as another excited new fan approaches the merch table and asks if their recordings are as good as the show. After they deny that, the guy doesn’t buy a a record but a t-shirt instead.

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  • Falls of Rauros - Key To A Vanishing Future

    21 Mar 2022 - Knut
    Atmospheric Black Metal/Post Black Metal/

    Almost two decades since their inception the restless souls of Falls of Rauros release another album that further widens their musical scope. Restless meant as a positive trait as they never seem to care about trends or genres, but use their composition and musical skills to counter expectations and release another genre-defying album filled with crushing beauty.

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  • Unru - Die Wiederkehr Des Verdrängten

    20 Mar 2022 - Thorsten
    Noisey Black Metal

    Jaw-dropping. Breathtaking. Spellbinding. That’s what happened when this author first listened to the new EP (they must be joking!) by Unru. Why? Well, because it will be the EP of the year, for sure. And it might end up being the recor of the year for many, including the author of these lines. Find out why Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten is so good.

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  • Konvent - Call Down the Sun

    19 Mar 2022 - Knut
    Doom Metal

    Two years after their impressive debut release, the Danes of Konvent are back with their sophomore album. They have honed their doom skills and now grace the world with an aggressive, heavy, expansive and awe-inspiring new album fitting the times we have lived through and are living in. They give comfort, reflection and inspiration with their crushing and modern take on the genre. As the pandemic fades away, the sky should be clear for everyone this spring, but sadly it is not. And this album, intentional or not, is a reminder of this.

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  • Hot Water Music - Feel The Void

    18 Mar 2022 - Thorsten

    Can a record that you love from the first moment onward, still be a “grower”? Well in some strange way, the new Hot Water Music full-length Feel The Void surely feels like one. It transports you right back to the start of the new millennium and the holy trinity of HWM records of No Division, A Flight And A Crash and Caution but at the same time, there are tiny moments when one sees that this is a new beginning. And a good one, on top.

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  • Ghost Toast - Shade Without Color

    17 Mar 2022 - Daniel F.
    Progressive Metal

    When prog rockers Ghost Toast released Shape Without Form back in 2020 I couldn’t get enough of it. We were just entering a pandemic, the world was gradually manifesting itself into a shitstorm of unprecedented proportions and yet this crazy trio of musicians from the Hungarian wilderness put out a record that would become something of a comfort blanket through trying times. With that in mind, I’m sure you can imagine my excitement when I saw the announcement for Shade Without Color, a record that has since proven itself to be a worthy follow up.

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  • Yīn Yīn - The Age Of Aquarius

    16 Mar 2022 - Stephan

    Life is short and there’s a sprawling abundance of interesting new music out there in the world. Following this fact there’s a natural agreement among the Veil of Sound staff that we only write about stuff we are genuinely invested in. Because who has time for scathing reviews and unneccessary negativity, when you could spread the word about something worthwhile instead? That being said, I must admit that even given the hypothetical case that the new album by Yīn Yīn sucked big time, I would probably still be tempted to sneak in this critique - just for the rare opportunity of possibly using some darn under-represented terms like “disco”, “Santa Esmeralda” or “Thai-beat”.

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  • Wiegedood - There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road

    15 Mar 2022 - Ajay
    Black Metal

    It has been four years between Church of Ra-alumni Wiegedood’s Century Media label debut De Doden Hebben Het Goed III and the follow-up There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road. With the De Doden Hebben Het Goed (trans.: “The Dead Are Doing Well”, or “The Dead Have It Good”) trilogy behind them, there is a noticeably different approach with album number 4.

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  • Eight Bells - Legacy of Ruin

    14 Mar 2022 - Thorsten
    Doom, Prog-Metal

    Eight Bells from Portland lead the listener a little astray with their hobbit-like cover for their latest full-length Legacy of Ruin. The band’s third full-length is another marker set in stone for what modern progressive metal can be when thinking it more in the vein of Opeth and less Dream Theater. Mood over techniques!

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  • El Ten Eleven - New Year's Eve

    13 Mar 2022 - Skyler

    El Ten Eleven arrives with another fantastic album

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