Latest Reviews

There are way too many records released every week - which one should you listen to? We want to help you by reviewing lots of records every week and you can also check out a little teaser before reading the whole thing. And if you want to, you can also browse through our archive and have a look at the amazing records you might have missed out on.

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  • Nick Hudson - Font Of Human Fractures

    25 Sep 2021 - Stephan
    Art-Rock, Singer/Songwriter

    One of my absolute favorite albums of 2020 was The Quiet Earth by the English band The Academy Of Sun: a sprawling collection of intelligent infectious earworms, somewhere within the stylistic triangle of Post-Punk, Synthie-Pop and Singer/Songwriter-Piano-Art-Rock. And while I was still finding new things to love about all the details of that masterpiece, Nick Hudson, the main singer/songwriter of the group decided to release a new solo album.

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  • Still - {}

    24 Sep 2021 - Knut
    Post Metal/Post Hardcore

    I have been an avid listener to all kinds of music for decades, I have seen trends come and go. In many music genres, trends seem to fade into oblivion, but in Metal related music, trends seem to become a genre. When Neurosis released Souls at Zero in 1992 they began the musical journey towards what has become Post-Metal or Atmospheric Sludge-Metal, inspiring genre-defining bands like Isis or Cult of Luna. And now, circa 30 years after, the genre is as vibrant as ever and almost overflowing of bands. And in come Still form Hull, UK, with their first full release { }. This riveting release will climb into the top regions of many AOTY lists.

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  • Deathsomnia - You Will Never Find Peace

    23 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Darkwave, Wave, Post-Punk

    Not having been an avid listener to 80s New Wave and especially the Goth-adjacent Darkwave genre, I have remained a skeptic critic of this kind of music ever since. When I then heard about the new project by one of the guys from one of my favorite Post-Metal outfits my skepticism didn’t calm down. However, after listening to Deathsomnia’s full-length debut You Will Never Find Peace my doubting nerves have been calmed and soothed immensely.

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  • Modern Rites - Monuments

    22 Sep 2021 - Gene
    Melodic Black Metal, Industrial, Avantgarde

    Modern Rites righteously synthesizes metal in a variety of modes, with exceptional taste, all realized and mixed as perfectly as if it’s cake. It’s fucking well done!

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  • Wang Wen - 100,000 Whys

    21 Sep 2021 - Sebastian
    Post Rock

    Within the Post-Rock genre there is a lot of diversity. Some bands play a more aggressive, heavier version while some bands play a more dreamy Post-Rock. Wang Wen from China are definitely one of the latter bands, leaning heavily towards the calm, relaxing site, but often with a darker twist to their music. With 100,000 Whys, Pelagic Records finally press their latest work on vinyl and this joyous occasion is the reason we are revisiting their 2020 record.

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  • Transmission Zero - Bridges

    20 Sep 2021 - Ben
    Post Rock

    The Kraków post-rockers release Bridges, their second studio album – a soaring, wheeling, swooping journey into musical dynamism.

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  • Iskandr - Vergezicht

    19 Sep 2021 - Knut
    Black Metal

    Dutch Black Metal project Iskandr is releasing a new interesting full album after last year´s amazing EP Gelderse Port. Thorsten and Knut again sat down to discuss their impressions of the new album and Iskandr’s discography.

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  • LLNN - Unmaker

    18 Sep 2021 - Simon

    LLNN return with another slab of earthquake inducing heaviness which is an astonishing feast of post apocalyptic dread

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  • Cognizance - Upheaval

    17 Sep 2021 - Daniel F.
    Death Metal

    You don’t need a press release to tell you where Cognizance recorded Upheaval, it’s easier just to locate the crater that must surely have been created in the Northumberland countryside while they recorded their sophomore album. A mere two years on from their first full length, they are already becoming a prominent part of the UK death metal scene, shoulder barging their way into focus with a dizzying blend of heavy riffs and demented musicianship. Having taken on a new member in the form of second guitarist Apostolis “Yage” Karydis, they are ready to solidify their status as a five piece and take the world by storm.

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  • Succumb - XXI

    16 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Experimental Death-Metal

    There is nothing wrong with straight, simple and easy-accessible Death Metal. However, when one crosses a variant involving classical Death Metal stereotypes with a bit of a penchant for musical oddities and a vocalist that clearly shows her love for the classical poets of the turn of the last century – then it is time to listen with open, pointy ears! Just as indicated by the female, anthropomorphous female Satan on the cover of Succumb’s sophomore record XXI.

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  • Insect Ark - Future Fossils

    14 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Ambient, Drone, Experimental

    When one of the most reflective artists of our time releases a new EP called Future Fossils that calls for two things: Attention and reflection. The artist is Dana Schechter aka Insect Ark and this is my review on the new EP, out on Consouling Sounds from September 24th on.

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  • Mono - Pilgrimage Of The Soul

    13 Sep 2021 - Sebastian

    For this second half of 2021 it almost feels like Pelagic Records wants to brag with their incredible artist roster. They deserve the bragging rights though and the new MONO record once again proves that. Pilgrimage Of The Soul is already the second MONO release we get this year, the first one being their beautiful live album. Let’s start the pilgrimage into the album and hopefully come out cleansed on the other side.

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  • End Of Kumari - Stories From The Floating World

    13 Sep 2021 - Pat O'
    post-rock/post-metal/progressive metal

    Ripping through many post genres, End Of Kumari have released a captivating EP that has it all. Rich melodies, great atmospheric highs and stirring climatic crescendos are all packed into their brilliant debut release Stories From The Floating World

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  • Neon Christ - 1984

    12 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Hardcore-Punk, Post-Punk

    Southern Lord Recordings is a label run by fans of music for fans of music and they are not only known for releasing awesome new bands or great new releases by established bands but also for digging in the treasure chest of times gone by. Now they release a collection of songs by the forefathers of Atlanta hardcore, Neon Christ, and 1984 really shows how close Hardcore and Post-Punk were back in the day. A lesson in history that was not featured in many books or documentaries – a major mistake. Thank you, Greg Anderson!

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  • Starless - Hope Is Leaving You

    11 Sep 2021 - Daniel F.

    When the current lineup of Chicago’s Starless was solidified in 2016, it was on common ground. All bought into the same ideology, each member had a shared appreciation for the grim and mournful, and they collectively aspired to express the crushing gravity of a chaotic world through their music. Their 2016 debut Deadly Light went some way to achieving this, and now they are poised yet again to unleash their latest work upon the world. It comes in the form of a new LP, Hope Is Leaving You. It isn’t so much a continuation of their discography as it is a ‘next step’, seeing them reach towards a more progressive, rounded approach.

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  • Non Somnia - Stella Meae

    10 Sep 2021 - Pat O'

    Neoclassical compositions shaded in dark and explosive swells give this “instrumental”, “post-rock” album that “must listen to” tag. Here is Non Somnia’s Stella Meae

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  • Driving Slow Motion - Adrift Abyss

    09 Sep 2021 - Thorsten

    If Ennio Morricone had ever done a real Post-Rock record – this is what it sounds like. Another awesome release for Post.Recordings and another proof that this genre is alive and kicking as it evokes references out of the ordinary! Some may hear Doomgaze like Outlander, especially in the long, slowly descending outros of the songs, others feel the futuristic sounds as a reminiscence of other Post-Rock acts such as Immanu El – there is one thing that everybody can probably agree on: The soft, lush sounds and warm parts of Driving Slow Motion’s second full-length are wonderful.

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  • Satánicos Marihuanos - Inmerso En El Ande

    08 Sep 2021 - Stephan
    Psychedelic Space-Stoner Rock

    Rocket scientists, this one isn’t for you! You’ve already read the name of the band and the album title. You’ve seen the artwork. Eighty percent of what you expecting from “Immersed in the Andes” is probably accurate. So I should best call it a day and end the review right here, because what substantial insight could I possibly add at this point?

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  • Lehnen - Negative Space

    07 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Alternative Rock / Post-Rock / Doomgaze

    A band consisting of two military brats with dual citizenship now residing in Austria and their sidekick are making music for every corner of the globe that wants to listen to a strongly brewed blend of intriguingly well-roasted Doomgaze á la Spotlights and a spicy Prog-Core-shot infused in Thrice-fashion and in the end it all tastes like a refreshing take on Cave-In. Can’t fathom that? Go ahead, try Lehnen and their new record Negative Space!

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  • Glasgow Coma Scale - Sirens

    06 Sep 2021 - Pat O'

    The brilliantly original and exciting German trio Glasgow Coma Scale have returned after five years out of the spotlight. Sirens takes the band to the next level with some pulsating Post-Rock married with their own unique blend of Stoner and Desert influences. It’s bursting with attitude, power and melody. Let’s check it out!.

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  • TRNA - Istok

    05 Sep 2021 - Knut

    Russian Blackgaze specialists TRNA are back with another masterpiece. The flawless discography of this band is impeccable and with Istok we get another gem for everybody who loves Post-Rock, Black Metal and everything in between. So we decided to do a little different kind of review and had our TRNA-lovers Knut and Thorsten team up for this in depth-analysis of the record!

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  • VOW - Icarian

    04 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Ambient-Post-Metal / Sludge / Noise

    Manchester madness again! But don’t mix it up with Madchester! VOW from the Midlands’ centre for sports and entertainment (please, do not hit me, Liverpudlians!) shows with two tracks how to serve any appetite basically imaginable!

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  • Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell

    04 Sep 2021 - Thorsten
    Death-Metal / Doom

    The cover of the new Hooded Menace record The Tritonus Bell sets the tone for what is to come: A good blend of Death Metal (the monk-like reaper in the corner) is ringing the bell of Doom (the Skeletor-like skull in the middle which is missing the front teeth) from which smoke is evaporating through the spiraling staircase of classic Heavy Metal and out the window. One of the forerunners of Finnish metal is back, let’s listen to what they want to show!

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  • Pil & Bue - The World is a Rabbit Hole

    03 Sep 2021 - Knut
    Hard Rock/Thrash Metal/Heavy Metal

    This duo, Pil & Blue, translated as ‘Arrow & Bow’, hails from Norway’s high North Finnmark. As many duos have shown, a duo can also have a loud, heavy, energetic, raw and passionate soundscape. The band´s songs are melodic and the vocals clear as the Northern sky. They formed during a jam session in 2013 and released an acclaimed debut in July 2014, Push Start Button (level 1) and followed up in 2016 with the equally acclaimed Forget The Past, Let’s Worry About the Future. Their previous releases leaned towards the indie rock genre, but on this release, there is a new drummer in place, hailing from the Norwegian metal scene and that means a heavier sound for your eardrums.

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  • Pil & Bue - The World is a Rabbit Hole

    03 Sep 2021 - Knut
    Hard Rock/Trash Metal/Heavy Metal

    This duo, Pil & Blue, translated as Arrow & Bow, hails from Norway’s high North Finnmark. As many duos have shown, a duo can also have a loud, heavy, energetic, raw and passionate soundscape. The band´s songs are melodic and the vocals clear as the northern sky. They formed during a jam session in 2013 and released an acclaimed debut in July 2014, Push Start Button (level 1) and followed up in 2016 with the equally acclaimed Forget The Past, Let’s Worry About the Future. Their previous releases leaned towards the indie rock genre, but on this release, there is a new drummer i n place, hailing from the Norwegian metal scene and that means a heavier sound for your eardrums.

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