Latest Reviews

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  • Abrahamic Liars - Genesis

    31 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    Global black metal project wants to ignite your heart and mind with furious sounds between furious blackened punk and angriest blackened death metal.

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  • Lizzard - Eroded

    28 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    French Prog-Metal oufit joins the fold at Pelagic HQ and gives the roster a new, refreshing feature that takes time and repeats to grow but then doesn’t vanish from your memory. Good roster move, Robin!

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  • Felperc - Five Stages of Grief

    28 Jan 2021 - Pat O'

    Have you ever experienced a time when you are drawn to an album for the first time and it’s not by the music, because you have yet to hear it? You find yourself pulled in by either the thought-provoking artwork, or it may be the unsettling album title that has struck a chord with you. It’s that feeling of warmth and excitement that sweeps over you when you finally sit down and bask in the glory of what tweaked your curiosity, and proved a masterstroke. This album gave me all of that.

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  • Future Faces - Euphoria

    26 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    Okay, I admit it and you can throw me to the dogs for it, but I never liked Joy Division and I know I never will, because the hype, the cult, the (pseudo-)mystique around it makes up for expectations that can’t be fulfilled. Interestingly, that doesn’t mean that I cannot enjoy post-punk once in a while. Especially if it doesn’t try to sound like the-band-formerly-known-as-Warsaw, or Stiff Kittens, for that.

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  • La Bestia de Gevaudan - Kintsukuroi

    22 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    Revisiting an album can be both painful and joyful, and sometimes both. With the recently re-released fifth full-length of Chilean noise-metal-outfit La Bestia de Gevaudan it’s the latter. It is joyful, because it is an album so perfect in all its entirety that it just simply blows your head off. And at the same time it is painful because this little author forgot to include it in his best-of-2019 list when it came out. Okay, maybe it’s more shame than pain, but not nice nevertheless.

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  • Hadal - December

    22 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    When a band tells you that they come from a “depressive town”, and that they were inspired by the “Finnish Gothic” movement of the 90s, then you know that you are not up for some light listening. This is really dark metal from the “lightless” side – which is also reflected in the lyrics, but a few words about that later.

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  • Black Kalmar Skull - To All Whom I Loved

    22 Jan 2021 - Simon

    Not so long ago, one-man bands consisted of one person playing a guitar walking around with a base drum strapped to their back whilst occasionally playing a harmonica which was attached to their heads. It was slightly amusing, yet some folk got very good at it, still, it was quite a niche thing. Anyhow, fast forward a few years and nowadays, with the advent of home recording and mixing software, a lot more people can get in on the act. Like most things, some are better than others. Unsurprisingly considering my laboured into, todays offering is a one-man multi-instrumentalist from Verrona, Italy who goes by the moniker Black Kalmar Skull with his latest album To All Whom I Loved.

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  • Alpha du Centaure - Paralysis

    19 Jan 2021 - Pat O'

    It’s a very tough time for any band to survive in the current climate, and especially without the opportunity to play live music and gigs. So, one would hope that the fallout from that would see bands and artists spending time in the studio writing and creating some aural wonders for us all to absorb. Thankfully that was definitely the case with Alpha Du Centaure. This band grabbed my attention, without any preconceived notions of their sound, or their journey in getting this album released.

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  • The Ruins of Beverast - The Thule Grimoires

    17 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    A grimoire is a medieval book trying to teach you how to combine magical symbols for the purpose of using these combinations as magical spells to conjure up something, find something or harm/destroy something. Sounds perfect for a (black) metal album, where rituals are always welcome as the thematic background of an album. The island of Thule was supposed to be the end of the (known) world in medieval times, allegedly located six days away from Britain, right in the middle of the Atlantic. Therefore a lot of people have connected the mysterious island with Atlantis. Another perfect backdrop for any metal album, although one should be careful as there have been several fascist and right-wing societies named “Thule Gesellschaft” (Thule Society) or “Thule Seminar”. So, at the beginning German black metal institution The Ruins of Beverast (named after an event in Nordic mythology after the collapse of the Bifröst) will release their latest full-length record which is named “The Thule Grimoires” - a collection of spells to locate Thule? Interesting is the contrast between the title, the content and the music, but we will come to that in a minute.

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  • In Inertia - Effloresence

    17 Jan 2021 - Ben

    When you feel music washing through you, stroking your eardrums and radiating through you like a heater in a shop doorway on a cold day… that’s the feeling you get from Efflorescence – In Inertia’s debut EP.

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  • Bestialis - Ritus

    17 Jan 2021 - Thorsten

    We all know the popular formula for good atmospheric black metal, but yet, there are always bands whose execution is so flawless that it simply demands attention and admiration and Bestialis’ new EP Ritus is one of these.

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  • Slowly Building Weapons - ECHOS

    04 Dec 2020 - Thorsten

    Australia is a land Down Under, but its music scene is definitely not down, it’s not going under, but vibrant and innovative, just like Slowly Building Weapons and their new album ECHOS

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  • Show Me ADinosaur - Plantgazer

    04 Dec 2020 - Thorsten

    Russia is more than Vodka and Putin - Russia and especially is also home to one of the most interesting metal scenes worldwide, and Show Me A Dinosaur are their kings.

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  • Respire - Black Line

    04 Dec 2020 - Thorsten

    That first moment. The sound. The perfect pause. The deep look at the cover. First love. Respire’s new album is here.

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  • Pothamus - Raya

    04 Dec 2020 - Thorsten

    Pothamus from Mechelen, Belgium plays Doom with a lot of tribal drums, so that one might think, they’re from a Latin American jungle.

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  • Ghost:Hello & Night Goat - Split (EP)

    01 Dec 2020 - Thorsten

    The best splits are those which leave you impressed and also undecided which band was better.

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  • Sens Dep - Lust Desolation

    30 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    A band with a name that reminds one of R.E.M. plays music that reminds one of The Flenser - without being on The Flenser.

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  • Cryptic Shift / Replicant / Inoculation / Astral Tomb - Chasm of Aeons (4-way-Split-EP)

    27 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    This must be the best 4-way-split-Ep of the year! Not only for a niche genre like Tech-Death but in general!

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  • Cell Press - Dto. (EP)

    27 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Is Cell Press a screamo or crust-band? Whatever - it’s goooood!

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  • A Mutual Question - Connect

    27 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Flashback to the beginning of the new millenium, when Djent was not a musical genre but merely a way of playing and when progressive rock acts were harsher than the stuff our fathers listened to.

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  • Farer - Monad

    20 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    How noisy can Doom be before it becomes Avantgarde-Noise? Farer gives an answer without trying to please anybody. Hold off your finalized AOTY-lists!

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  • Empress - Wait 'Til Night

    20 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Post-Punk with female vocals that is less Blondie and more Joy Division - enchanting!

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  • Celestial Teapot - Perception (EP)

    20 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Asia in general and India in particular is turning out to be one of the best places to look for awesome post-rock right now.

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  • Blunt Razors - Early Aught

    20 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Can one review one of his favorite musician’s new band without sounding like a fanboy? This new side-project by Planes Mistaken For Stars will tell me. And you.

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  • Soul Grip - Sleep (EP)

    13 Nov 2020 - Thorsten

    Soul Grip are dead. Not to keep beating around the bush any more than necessary, the band is dead. But never forgotten!

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