
If you are one of those nerds who wants to know more about a band or an artist than just their records, then our interviews are right your thing! We feature an interview every week by a different artist and from a different genre. Every once in a while we also feature a lengthy interview with a musical hero from the past. Furthermore you can also find some shorter interviews we did for our specials here! And now - enjoy and read, what some amazing artists have to say!

  • Interview with Teethgrynder

    28 Nov 2021 - Thorsten

    Jay Thurley is an easy interview partner. He is a guy, who is outspoken and reflective which is a perfect pairing for anyone who gets a chance to talk to him. He is outspoken, but not loud, he is reflective but not introvert – and when he talks he shows security in every topic that we touched on! Of course the most important topic was his new record Hostages that was released a few weeks, but we also talked about his love for Nick Cave, his connections within the UK Post-Metal scene (even though it’s not the music he makes) and also his dog Honey, who joined us during the conversation..

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  • Interview with Hemelbestormer

    21 Nov 2021 - Knut

    This interview is the end of a perfect Post-Metal-weekend for some select people who attended the record release party for Hemelbestormer’s powerful new album Collide & Merge which took place in Belgium until Saturday evening. Those people now have the triple-billing - Friday release, Saturday show, Sunday interview! For all the others, this is a detailed interview with one of the tightest Post-Metal bands around. Enjoy!

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  • Interview with Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster

    14 Nov 2021 - Simon

    Progressive band Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster have always been a favourite of ours here at Veil of Sound so when we got the opportunity to do an interview with Drew and Andrea from the band, well, we couldn’t really pass up the opportunity now could we?

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  • Unsung Heroes No. 6 - David Judson Clemmons

    07 Nov 2021 - Thorsten

    One of the most striking record covers of the last twenty years must have been JUD’s cover for Sufferboy because it looks a lot like the protagonist of tthe Hellboy-comics. And when one then listens to the record behind the simplistic and effective cover, it is as if stepping back into the best moments of the 90s. And the voice behind these songs is David Judson “JUD” Clemmons. Being a huge fan of his work, Thorsten had to take the chance of interviewing David, who now resides in Germany, talking about his life in Brandenburg, his work, his music and much more.

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  • Interview with Sleepwalker

    31 Oct 2021 - Thorsten

    What do Sleep Token, 夢遊病者 (Sleepwalker), Briqueville have in common with Ghost, Slipknot and Animals As Leaders? Well, the first three are still completely anonymous while the latter three started out trying to remain anonymous but couldn’t keep that up.Well, that might have to do with the level of success Slipknot and Ghost had, but think about the huge success of Sleep Token. So it might have to do with the band’s attitude and choice of who to work with. One must have a really good ability to choose the right people who can keep your secret. 夢遊病者 (Sleepwalker) have definitely had a good gut feeling on who to trust, because there are still no images of the band and nobody seems to know who is in the band. When we got the opportunity to have an interview with the guys, we of course had to take it!

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  • Interview with TRNA

    24 Oct 2021 - Knut

    Whenever people talk about TRNA from St. Petersburg, Russia, there is hardly any conversation without the words “mood”, “storm”, “Shoegaze” and “Atmosphere”; and in some ways - those ideas are right, for the band is really capable of coming up with hurricanes of melody and power, precision and skills that barely any other band in this genre can keep up with.

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  • Interview with Coastlands

    17 Oct 2021 - Pat O'

    There are a few people on the web who hunt for every single version of Coastlands’ latest record Death and we simply cannot call these guys crazy for the record is one of the most interesting in the Post-Rock realm of the last few years. Therefore we are extremely excited to be able to give you a long, in-depth interview with the band. We spoke about their experience in Europe, their way of dealing with “death” and of course when we can expect new striking tunes, so the nerds of this world have a new release to rave about and happily hunt down every version of it!

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  • Interview with Consouling Sounds

    10 Oct 2021 - Thorsten

    Back in 2008, Mike Keirsblick and his friend Miguel started a label which should become one of the driving forces in alternative, experimental and avantgarde music - Consouling Sounds. With releases from such influential artists as Nadja or A Storm of Light/IIVII, thisquietarmy or Alkerdeel the label has developed a very open approach to music and an even wider idea of which music they want to do next. Oh, by the way - yeah, for more than ten years now they have also been working closely with a little band originally from Kortijk you might have heard of - anyone familiar with Amenra?!

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  • Interview with Shy, Low

    03 Oct 2021 - Pat O'

    There have been many musical highlights this year, varying from blistering mid-covid live shows to the superb post-covid album releases. The underground music scene has had to stay strong and battle through a tough eighteen months, that tested both the creative abilities of the bands as well as the financial viability of it all. Thankfully most have ploughed through these hard times, and we are now reaping the rewards with some incredibly original and diverse albums releases. One such album is Shy, Low’s latest offering, Snake Behind The Sun which is due for release on 08-10-2021 through the mighty Pelagic Records. I’m not going to go all “review” on it here as the album write up is already available on our website if you wanna sample the fruits of their labour. And let me add, no fruit was spared in the making of this colossal release.

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  • Interview with MoE

    26 Sep 2021 - Knut

    With seemingly inexhaustible energy MoE has toured just about every corner of the world as if being possessed by Guro Skumsnes Moe´s bass. Through chanting and screaming the exorcism has taken place in front of crowds in Mexico, Japan, Australia, China, South East Asia and Europe for more than a decade.

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  • Unsung Heroes No. 5 - Dana Schechter

    19 Sep 2021 - Thorsten

    In our next installment of the Unsung Heroes Series we are very happy to present you a multi-instrumentalist, auto-didact, one man-band Dana Schechter whom some of you might know as the mastermind behind Insect Ark. The project released several acclaimed records, among them The Vanishing from 2020 which also received plenty of praise, but many of you should also check out her manifold collaborations with bands like Swans, Arabrot or American Music Club. We talked with her about that and much more!

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  • Interview with Ralph Schmidt (Ropes of Night)

    12 Sep 2021 - Thorsten

    Curbeaters. Hellström. Planks. Ultha. Four bands who share one member: Ralph Schmidt, one of these walking encyclopedias of underground music. And now there is a fifth band that one must reckon with: Ropes of Night, Ralph’s latest project.

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  • Interview with Bossk

    06 Sep 2021 - Simon

    Post-Sludge titans Bossk have been gaining attention and praise for new album Migration so we were more than thrilled when they agreed to an interview. We got to talk to Tom Begeley and Rob Vaughan about their new album and plenty lots more besides.

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  • Interview with Norna

    29 Aug 2021 - Knut

    Norna, the new and devastatingly punishing outfit with members from Breach, Ølten and The Old Wind, will release their debut album via Vinter Records this fall. Today we premiere the first track from the upcoming album Star Is Way Way Is Eye together with an interview with the band.

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  • Interview with Pil & Bue

    22 Aug 2021 - Knut

    This week, Knut spoke with Norwegian Rock-act Pil & Bue and found out a lot about the band’s sound, the latest record and why they want to enter the studio twice more within the next 16 months!

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  • Interview with Thy Catafalque

    15 Aug 2021 - Thorsten

    Thy Catafalque is one of the fore-runners of a global movement towards a form of Black Metal that focuses on the regional aspects of the music. The sole mastermind behind it, Tamás Kátai gave us some time to find out more about him and his project.

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  • Unsung Heroes No. 4 - Joseph E. Martinez

    08 Aug 2021 - Thorsten

    Interviewing people can sometimes be a hard job, when the person interviewed is not as responsive as you would have wished for. Junius’ mastermind Joseph E. Martinez is the complete opposite!

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  • Interview with Årabrot

    01 Aug 2021 - Thorsten

    We had the pleasure to do a video interview with one of those bands that are the most difficult to categorize - Årabrot! To nobody’s surprise, it was such an easy and fun interview, one of the nicest ones we have done so far, enjoy!

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  • Interview with Lòdz

    25 Jul 2021 - Sebastian

    For the Post.Lyon festival a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to chat with Erik and Eric from Lòdz.

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  • Interview with Black Flak And The Nightmare Fighters

    18 Jul 2021 - Thorsten

    Black Flak And The Nightmare Fighters are a band that means a lot to everyone at Veil of Sound and of course we had to do an interview with them about their new record Ad Meliora which will be released this week on July 22nd! We talked with them, we laughed with them and don’t miss the nerdy moment between McKay and Thorsten talking about some “wild life”!

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  • Interview with Zement

    11 Jul 2021 - Thorsten

    A few days ago we premiered the new video for Franconian Neo-Krautrock-band Zement and the hilariously funny video just blew us away. Reason enough to talk with the band about the video, their new record and more!

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  • Interview with Planning For Burial

    04 Jul 2021 - Thorsten

    Planning For Burial is one of those “bands’ bands” - acts that influence other people so much that they start playing and writing music themselves. There are quite a few of these bands in musical history - the Kinks or Depeche Mode but also Devo or McLusky. Planning For Burial is another one. Question remains - how?

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  • Unsung Heroes No. 3 - James Plotkin

    27 Jun 2021 - Thorsten

    We are honored to have one of the most influential mastering engineers of our time for our third installment of the Unsung Heroes-series. If we add that he was in two bands whose influence cannot be overstated this is even better!

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  • Interview with Asphodel Wine

    20 Jun 2021 - Thorsten

    When two great musicians from great bands meet some magic can happen. So did it happen with Asphodel Wine who are about to finish their second album.

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  • Interview with Ole C. Helstad (Sâver)

    13 Jun 2021 - Knut

    Olso’s Sâver are a powerhouse in international post-metal ever since they released their debut record through Pelagic in 2019. Our very own Norwegian Knut met up with Ole Christian Helstad to talk about Sâver and his role in the Norwegian scene.

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