
If you are one of those nerds who wants to know more about a band or an artist than just their records, then our interviews are right your thing! We feature an interview every week by a different artist and from a different genre. Every once in a while we also feature a lengthy interview with a musical hero from the past. Furthermore you can also find some shorter interviews we did for our specials here! And now - enjoy and read, what some amazing artists have to say!

  • Interview with Eugene S. Robinson

    13 Mar 2022 - Thorsten

    It is always a pleasure to interview people who enjoy that situation and I would say the best interviews are those when humour and reflection meet. That combination is not always given but with Eugene S. Robinson it really always is. This time we interviewed him about the new record by his transcontinental band Buñuel!

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  • Interview with Non Serviam

    09 Mar 2022 - Thorsten

    Non Serviam are a mindblowing band with a lot of soundscapes being incorporated into their version of electronic hardcore. We were fortunate enough to talk with the anonymous collective from France about a lot different topics, be it politics, anonymity, influences and much more. Enjoy this interview with Non Serviam! (and for all our French-speaking readers we also included the original French interview which the band sent along as well as the English version)

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  • Interview with Nate Newton

    06 Mar 2022 - Thorsten

    Okay, now everyone should have gotten it - we are going for separate video-interviews with every member of the most decisive hardcore band this side of the millennium, Converge. However, we don’t want to focus too much on the band itself, but on other topics related to it or sometimes not. This time we talk to Nate about the question of ethics in hardcore - how important are they and how important is our notion of ethics itself. In the end we arrive at a very differentiated picture of it all.

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  • Interview with Messa

    02 Mar 2022 - Knut

    On March 11th, the Post-Metal world will and should be watching when Italy’s most elegant combination of Jazz and Post-Metal releases their third full-length onto a waiting world. Well, the VoS-lers surely can’t wait for Messa’s new record Close! And as we like to keep you on the edge of your seats we give you a detailed interview with the band conducted by our living library Knut who has gotten a lot of really good answers, mostly from singer Sara but also from her bandmates on several questions. Maybe this will make you as excited as Knut and us about this release because it is really a great release and another proof that elegance and force are not at all at opposite ends of the musical spectre but really combinable!

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  • Interview with Mizmor

    27 Feb 2022 - Thorsten

    There has hardly been any act within the realm of Drone, Doom and Black Metal in the last ten years or so who has been constantly as much as ALN and his Mizmor-project. The guy is able to give us all lots of food for thought and at the same time create soundscapes that are never stagnant in their successes but seemingly always pushing for new dimensions of depth and meaning. Whenever one listens to his record and goes about his lyrics there will be lots of ideas and questions left open. In order to close some of these we sat down with ALN and sought for some answers.

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  • Interview with Paul Seidel

    23 Feb 2022 - Thorsten

    Well, the time has come to unleash this upon you, dear Veil of Sound readers. We have been blessed with so many interview opportunities lately that we just had to come up with a second, not so regular interview day for you. For the moment we decided to give you the video-interviews on the weekend and the written ones on Wednesdays. We hope you will enjoy those and of course we had to kickstart the new #InterviewWednesdays with a “bang” - and which instrument gives us more of a bang than the drums? None! And which drummer could be better to start it off than Paul Seidel, the man behind the kits for The Ocean, War From A Harlots Mouth, Nightmarer and several more! Enjoy our interview!

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  • Interview with Cultro

    20 Feb 2022 - Knut

    Whenever our connaisseur Knut praises a band highly we all listen carefully, as he has heard and seen ‘em all. Thus when he reviewed the last Cultro record Phlegethon as highly as he did, many ears were turned. When he announced to do an interview with the band we were really happy. When the band turned our questions into a miraculously engaging video with subtitles and all, we were impressed. And our words cannot in the least express our gratitude. Thank you Alessandro and Marco. And everyone should listen to this band, and read or watch this interview!

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  • Interview with Kurt Ballou

    13 Feb 2022 - Thorsten

    Those of you who follow Veil of Sound closely, very closely might have stumbled across this sentence a few weeks ago: ”Maybe this interview will be the start for another series of interviews, who knows?” was the end of our article accompanying our interview with Jacob Bannon. That was part of our series to close out 2021 and here we go: we have yet another interview with a Converge member not talking about the band itself too much. This time it’s Kurt Ballou and our topic is “producing”!

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  • Interview with Hansol Seung (Shoreline)

    06 Feb 2022 - Sebastian

    Because I am a huge fan of their newest work, I wanted to interview Shoreline and fortunately Hansol was kind enough to sit down and have a talk with me.

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  • Interview with Dana Schechter

    30 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

    Today we are giving you the last video of our early Consouling Sounds-series (don’t worry - season 2 is soon to start) by presenting the amazing Dana Schechter!

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  • Interview with Wayfarer

    23 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

    Wayfarer is one of those bands who steadily release great records every two years and more important than that – their records all have a unifying theme: their love for history, the American West, the 19th century, the westward expansion and possibly anything historical from which we can learn something. Thus more than enough for us to get some really interesting things for all of you out there.

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  • Interview with Quintessence

    16 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

    Usually we do not go back-to-back with video-interviews but we wanted to once more show our love for a young French Post-Rock band from Lyon, whom we already featured on our special for the wonderful Post.Lyon Festival at the end of May: Quintessence! Thorsten had a cool chat with the guys and found out a lot about them and their music. And we are also happy that one of our questions did not end in a split of the young hopefuls ;-)

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  • Interview with Ovtrenoir

    09 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

    We are closing in on the release of the last video we did for Consouling Sounds’ live event, but before we present you with the last one in a few weeks, we have another smasher for you. OVTRENOIR!

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  • Interview with Jacob Bannon

    01 Jan 2022 - Thorsten

    Day 9 - final day and what do you do for a grand finale? You go out big! And that’s what we do! Ending this marathon that started with Motorpsycho and had some of our favorite artists - there cannot be anybody but the one and only Jacob Bannon! However, we will not be talking about Converge or Wear Your Wounds too much, but rather about his art for he is one amazing artist; everyone who has looked at the Converge-record covers will know what I am talking about.

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  • Interview with Alex CF

    31 Dec 2021 - Jonas

    Day 8 - before we let you off into the new year with our 11-hour playlist we have to give you the penultimate interview. This time with none other than Alex CF, visual artist, singer and lyricist for some of the most amazing bands this side of the millenium: Fall Of Efrafa, Anopheli, Morrow and many more. Find out what he’s been up to lately, his bands, his art and much more. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

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  • Interview with Blankenberge

    30 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Day 7 – Blankenberge is one of those up-and-coming bands that you should watch if you ever had a heart for a sound somewhere between pure beauty and enormous strength, a band that embraces the sound of a band like Slowdive and My Bloody Valentine: Shoegaze. This wonderful, harmonious, elegant sound that seemingly is able to slow down your heart while at the same time filling it with joy.

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  • Interview with Year Of No Light

    29 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Day Six for our #VoSInterviewMarathon with #9days9reviews France has a very thriving black metal-scene as well as some amazing post-rock and post-metal acts – one of the post-metal bands mentioned most frequently is Year Of No Light from Bordeaux who released their awesome record Consolamentum just in time for their 20th anniversary as a band. As we wanted to get an interview by the guys, Thorsten has been on their heels for some months and we are proud to present you the result: An interview with guitarist Jérôme Alban who displays the typical humor one can often encounter when talking to French bands while at the same time giving short yet profound answers.

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  • Interview with Nathan Gray

    28 Dec 2021 - Sebastian

    Today is our first video and audio interview in this already huge special. We take a little pride in covering a wide range of musical genres and today we have another hardcore legend. Nathan Gray is mostly known for his work in boysetsfire, but since a few years he releases solo albums. With Rebel Songs he has now released his third album and the first one under the moniker of Nathan Gray & The Iron Roses.

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  • Interview with Jay Gambit (Crowhurst)

    27 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Day four – usually the day when we break our new year’s vows – but that’s not something for Veil of Sound. Thus we give you another mind-blowing interview with a really important artist – Jay Gambit, the mastermind behind (blackened) noise-project Crowhurst.

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  • Interview with Oxbow

    26 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    When we started brainstorming which bands we would like to interview for this end-of-year-marathon, our head honcho quickly came up with one band that he has been following for a very long time, which means for a long, long time. Then he wanted to dig deep to come up with some questions the band might have not been asked before - and thus we are very proud to present this interview with the one, the only Oxbow!

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  • Unsung Heroes No. 7 - Gentry Densley

    25 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Number two on our new end-of-year-interview-series is a legend in two different worlds – hardcore and post-metal. Or was is avantgarde and doom? Whichever combo you choose, that is completely up to you. Indisputable is the fact that this man has been part of hugely influential bands: Iceburn and Eagle Twin – the connection between both collectives/bands is: Gentry Densley.

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  • Interview with Motorpsycho

    24 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Well, we want to kick off our end-of-the-year-interview-series with a bang! In the following days up to and including January 1st we will present you with one interview every day. Various artists, various genres, various levels of experience – there should be something for everyone. Some interviews will be video interviews, but most of them are classic written interviews. And what better way to kick off these nine days of madness than with an interview with one of the most eclectic, non-definable bands of the last thirty-some years? We present you: Motorpsycho!

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  • Interview with Mother

    19 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    By now everyone should know about our year-long collaboration with Belgium quality-label Consouling Sounds. In preparation for their two-day festival at the beginning of October (aptly named 24Hours of Deep Listening) we conducted a series of video-interviews with several artists on their roster, which we will release bit by bit. Today we feature our interview post-blackgaze newcomers Mother, an upcoming big player from Ostend, if you ask us. .

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  • Interview with Lionel Arlen (Le 7e Oeil)

    12 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Concert posters. There are basically only two categories - those cheap run-of-the-mill ones on thin, non-tactile paper which you can buy outside the venue for a fiver and those nice, silky ones printed on thick paper and mostly silkscreened. Silkscreen. One of those magic words for every music lover. But how are those made? What is the process behind it all? We spoke to one of the masters of the silkscreen printing craft, the famous Lionel Arlen or, as more might know him, Le 7e Oeil.

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  • Interview with ERNTE

    05 Dec 2021 - Thorsten

    Yesterday we published our review on the debut release by Swiss black metal duo ERNTE, a record that took us by surprise and which our head honcho holds in the highest regards for its sheer brilliant tonality, song-structures and myriad changes of pace which are not only provided by the drums provided by V. Noir but also supported by the well-placed switches between the vocal styles and speeds delivered by Witch N. Reason enough for us to talk with the band about their record and its influences, their lives in Switzerland and the black metal scene.

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