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There are way too many records released every week - which one should you listen to? We want to help you by reviewing lots of records every week and you can also check out a little teaser before reading the whole thing. And if you want to, you can also browse through our archive and have a look at the amazing records you might have missed out on.

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  • Darkestrah - Chong Aryk

    02 Dec 2021 - Knut
    Black Metal/Pagan Black Metal

    Darkestah has been on the Black Metal scene for quite some time with their music inspired by myths and legend from their country of origin. They formed in Bishek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan in 1999 and later relocated to Lepzig Germany where they now reside. Five years after their last full length the band releases an EP named after a cemetery in Kyrgyzstan, blasting out their epic music which is, as usual, inspired by shamanic rituals and ideas.

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  • Worn Out - Waste

    01 Dec 2021 - Pat O'

    An abrasive onslaught of dirty, heaving riffs, frenzied drums and dissonant screams make Worn Out’s latest release Waste a crushing blend of hardcore angst and attitude. These boys have arrived and have clearly marked their territory with this EP.

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  • Hammock - Elsewhere

    01 Dec 2021 - Wouter
    Ambient, Post-Rock

    Sometimes I feel like Hammock are the worst kept secret. When you ask people if they know them, a lot of them will say no. But with almost 400.000 monthly listeners on Spotify and their songs like ”I Can Almost See You” (over 35 million listens), ”Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow” (21 million) and ”Then the Quiet Explosion” (over 21 million) being spun that much, most of those same people probably have heard a song of them over the years. Maybe that is because of the ambient nature of their music, who knows, but one thing is very clear when you listen to Hammock. They are distinct in what they do, and they do it very very well.

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  • THÅRN - Collisions

    30 Nov 2021 - Jonas

    While the art of fusing various genres isn’t new, probably dating back to the late ’60s when we started seeing various combinations of Jazz and the more contemporary Rock’n’Roll music of the time, we sometimes see amalgamations of genres that shouldn’t work well, in theory. Blending the slow, low and heavy approach of Sludge metal with something like the blistering and visceral nature of Crustpunk may seem entirely antithetical, when in reality it actually works really well, as we’ve seen time and time again with bands like Downfall of Gaia, Alpinist, Fall of Efrafa, Dödsrit, and now… THÅRN.

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  • Thank You Scientist - Plague Accommodations

    29 Nov 2021 - Sebastian
    Progressive Fusion Jazz

    Four songs. 20 Minutes playtime. That does not really sound like a true Prog EP, does it? Yet Thank You Scientist manage to pack these 20 minutes with fantastic arrangements, great vocals and interesting musical ideas.

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  • Spiritworld - Pagan Rhythms

    29 Nov 2021 - Simon

    A unique blend of chaotic styles of metal music fused with the stylings and themes of old school westerns and horror fiction presented by Las Vegas-outfit SpiritWorld

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  • No God Only Teeth - Placenta

    28 Nov 2021 - Thorsten

    Is this Post-Metal or Blackened Hardcore? Crust or Japanese Screamo? The answer is simple – not “or” but “and”! It’s really hard to categorize Placenta the debut record by Northern German outfit No God Only Teeth, and maybe that’s what makes this record so much fun. Not in the literal sense, because that is not what they are looking for.

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  • Death Stare - Haze

    27 Nov 2021 - Pat O'

    Salt Lake Citys’ Death Stare has released one of the best “ambient post-rock” releases of the year. Without any drama or commotion, Haze was dropped to Bandcamp back in late October, and is a majestic and soul-stirring journey that will transport you through vast open skies and wandering mountainous terrain. It ebbs and flows from beginning to end. This simply has to be heard.

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  • Burial Waves - Holy Ground

    27 Nov 2021 - Ben
    Post-Hardcore, Post-Punk, Post-Rock

    These guys have known one another, played on the same stages, and have admired each other’s music for years. Now’s the time for the highly anticipated debut EP from Washington DC’s own post-hardcore/rock/math supergroup.

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    26 Nov 2021 - Thorsten

    Everybody is talking about creating immersive music. Music to get lost in. Music to forget everything around you to. The only ones who don‘t talk about it are the true masters of really coming up with music you can simply dive into. For you will be caught and held up. SUNN O))) are back with another record and there are only very few bands who can release a live album as something truly unique. Welcome to Metta Benevolence!

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  • Soars - Enfold

    25 Nov 2021 - Wouter
    Instrumental Post-Rock

    Those that treat themselves to a heavy dose of early pg.lost releases every once in a while should be excited, as Enfold is very much a record that has that same feel and can easily be added to the mix. Soars is the solo project of Kristian Karlsson, most well known for writing and producing for Cult of Luna and pg.lost. Enfold is his first solo release under the name Soars. A record that is driven by bass and low register synths, sprinkled with great melodies and that characteristic vocal sound that most people will associate with early pg.lost.

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  • Cynic - Ascension Codes

    25 Nov 2021 - Gene
    Progressive Rock, Fusion

    Transcending tragedy, Cynic bravely brings the cycle started on Focus to an unlikely and poignant end.

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  • La Riviere de Plomb - Modern Men ft. Stéphane Miollan

    24 Nov 2021 - Thorsten
    Raspy Doom, Dark Ambient, Folk

    A few months ago, the author of these lines released a raving review of an album by a “band” (maybe more of a collective?) called ÂGE ⱡ TOTAL and still there is no week when I do not give that record a listen. Some time after this review there was a promo email for a record by a band called Modern Men. However, we all know what Lennon said about life and plans and so on and so here I am – struck by how stupid I have been not reviewing this record by Modern Men and featuring Stéphane Miollan quite late because it is really mesmerizing!

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  • Strangers With Guns - Become A Pope

    23 Nov 2021 - Pat O'
    Modern Grunge

    Seeking a plethora of inspiration from the grunge and metal era of the nineties, Strangers With Guns bring their own unique take on a generation that was flooded with attitude, brashness and vitality. But hey, this is Strangers With Guns we’re talking about, so not everything will be as it seems on Become A Pope. Expect the unexpected!

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  • Outrun The Sunlight - A Vast Field Of Silence

    22 Nov 2021 - Gene
    Progressive, Post Rock, Djent, Instrumental, Metal

    Somewhere between Plini and Porcupine Tree, noodling around with garage-goth throwback riffs and Djent rythms, A Vast Field Of Silence is sure to please the austere fret-afficionado as much as the bored Prog-head.

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  • Converge - Bloodmoon:I

    21 Nov 2021 - Thorsten
    Eclecticism rules! (Folk, Doom, Hardcore, Stoner)

    There are reviews in which it’s most important to be able to not try to outperform the band in length, in detail, in elaboration for these records bathe in the glory of the mystique – maybe not performance-wise because that can clearly be analyzed and described – but in the way they came to be. One of these – in this author’s opinion – is the latest Converge record Bloodmoon:I! So let’s have a look at this new opus magnum!

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  • Monosphere - The Puppeteer

    20 Nov 2021 - Pat O'
    Post Metal/Metalcore/Prog Metal

    Monosphere’s ferocious and crushing waves of “post-metalcore” hybridised with many modern progressive techniques have made The Puppeteer one of the heaviest and most forward-thinking releases of the year. The album is a visually sublime and a sonically expansive piece of art that will quite literally blow your mind!

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  • Ghost Bath - Self Loather

    20 Nov 2021 - Knut
    Atmospheric Black Metal/Depressive Black Metal

    Even though this music is conceived from grief, anxiety and depression it lends an uplifting and soaring sense. This is mostly due to the glimmering tremolo guitar and melodic themes that soar in and out of the doomy sonics throughout this stunning album.

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  • Hemelbestormer - Collide & Merge

    19 Nov 2021 - Knut

    In a galaxy far, far away you might encounter Hemelbestormer. Only in your imagination, of course. All their releases are inspired by outer space, stars, galaxies, black holes millions of light years from our planet. Through their take on the Post-Metal sonics they yet again bring us a narrative about extra-terrestrial phenomena.

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  • Dying Wish - Fragments of a Bitter Memory

    19 Nov 2021 - Sebastian

    Have you been hit by a sonic truck today? If not, maybe you should consider giving the debut of Dying Wish a listen. With Fragments of a Bitter Memory the Oregon newcomers deliver one of the best hardcore debuts in recent history.

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  • Transatlantic Alliance - s/t

    18 Nov 2021 - Jonas

    By and large, the COVID-19 pandemic forced bands to change their perspective in a wide variety of ways when it came to writing music as they could no longer meet up in person due to various restrictions and lockdowns being put into place and as a result, the creative output of many of them have had a very different vibe from their usual releases. But what if you’re in a band with only one member? Deer Park Ranger and rhubiqs are two such acts that decided to put forward a collaborative release under the fitting moniker Transatlantic Alliance, the eponymous debut album of which is, by far, greater than the sum of its parts.

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  • Daxma - Unmarked Boxes

    17 Nov 2021 - Thorsten
    Post-Metal, Post-Rock

    ”To be boxed in” is the idea of being incarcerated, to have no free will, not being able to follow and fulfill your own dreams and desires. Or that one is stuck inside a certain box, whether one wants to be there or no. Many Post-Metal bands are stuck inside in a genre which is wide open and hellishly close at the same time. Oakland’s Daxma have just released a record which basically is their way out of that box; even though it’s named Unmarked Boxes.

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  • Bailer - Disposable Youth

    16 Nov 2021 - Pat O'

    Aggression, Intensity and Ferocity is only a fraction of what Bailer’s latest album Disposable Youth brings to the Metalcore table. Deep, profound lyrics and a musical maturity beyond their years makes Bailer a colossus. No matter what genre of music you lean towards, Disposable Youth speaks to everyone. It will crush and batter you to a pulp, but the masochist in you will love every second of it!

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  • Plebeian Grandstand - Rien Ne Suffit

    15 Nov 2021 - Thorsten
    Blackened Avantgarde, Noisey Post-Hardcore

    Abrasive – that might be the best word to describe Rien Ne Suffit, the new record by Plebeian Grandstand, just like it might have been the best one to describe all their releases up to now. However, there is something about this new measure of utter madness and sheer uncontrolled life-denying anger, that is different. Might be the production which some people have called “too clean” - probably because they never understood the band anyway!

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    14 Nov 2021 - Thorsten
    Experimental, Soundtrack,

    When one of the forerunners of new Belgian Post-Metal releases an album, then it’s something one should listen to. In the case of BARST‘s new record REAL it’s actually something one should look at and listen to. Best on a real big screen.

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